Agility Class

In the wild, dogs are natural hunters that chase after a variety of prey. Navigating their way through barriers, jumping over fallen logs, climbing steep slopes, and crawling through brush is part of their natural behaviors. Agility mimics these instincts and fulfills the chasing and hunting desire in your dog. It is also a great and healthy way to get rid of excess energy your dog has. Running through sequences of obstacles not only allows your dog to burn some steam but also will challenge your dog’s mind, strengthen his/her muscles, improve coordination, and increase endurance. Agility is also a great way to strengthen the bond between you and your dog as well as develop respect and communication skills you need to negotiate obstacles on a course. It is also a great opportunity to brush up on all your basic handling and behaviors that you and your dog will need in order to begin agility training.


Basic Agility

The focus is on introducing the obstacles of agility as well as handling skills in a positive way that is fun for both you and your dog. This class is open to dogs of any age with little or no dog agiltiy experience. You and your dog will learn how to properly and safely perform tunnels, A-frames, dog walk, jumps, tires and more. Also time spent on development of control and confidence. All dogs entering agility must have a strong sit, stay, heel and come.

Foundations of Basic Agility

This class is open to dogs 6 months and older with little or no prior agility experience. This is an introduction to basics in competition training. Time spent on obstacle performance, sequencing, and working through problems on an agility course such as spacing, angles and approaches, discrimination problems, side changes, handler restrictions, speed and flow. At conclusion of class there will be a friendly competition against fellow classmates. All dogs entering agility must have a strong sit, stay, heel and come.

**We require proof of Rabies, DHPP and Bordetella before attending any training classes.** **Please BRING your dog to the first class.**

Agility Class Rate $110.00 for 7 weeks

(Repeat Classes are $20.00 less, excluding Agility Class) Rates do not include CT State Sales Tax of 6.35%